A young mother is a note. The development parameters of the child

Each newly-made mother openly or somewhere deep down is worried about whether everything is in order with her tiny, whether he is developing correctly, whether she does not miss anything. In addition to studying the specialized literature, regular visits to the children's therapist and studying the development of a child for months up to a year, she constantly communicates with mothers of children of the same age, conducts a comparative analysis. And well, if it turns out that her baby surpassed a peer, achieved great success - for example, learned to crawl, stand or take the first steps, and if not? Then the woman begins to feel constant anxiety, fear, which can lead to depression.

Should I worry?
The fact is that the development of the baby up to a year is a very purely individual matter. And no matter what the “book” wrote there or say smart doctors, nevertheless, children develop in different ways. Someone began to walk at eight months, and someone after a year, someone was easily given a word of six months, and someone stubbornly silent up to two years, etc. This task in this cycle of information and unwritten “norms” not to miss really important alarming calls indicating developmental deviations.

What to pay attention to?
The main thing that mother should pay attention to is the physical development of the baby. Every month, the baby’s proportions should change, because he grows, gains weight. Here the attending children's pediatrician will come to the rescue, parents only need to go to receptions every month, weigh and measure the baby.

A newborn child shows perfectly when he hurts - his crying becomes bowing, continuous. Any painful sensation of the baby should worry a woman, you should immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes you can establish the cause of pain yourself - gently pressing the tummy, head, pen, etc.
It is also necessary to sound the alarm as soon as the child has convulsions, attacks, etc.
It is important to constantly check the vision, the baby’s hearing, to develop his fine motor skills of the hands. The lack of a grave reflex, the baby’s apathy should cause anxiety in the child.

Many mothers are worried about the fact that time goes on, and the teeth do not appear. Again, according to the norms, the first teeth should appear at about six months. However, more and more often there is a situation when they cut out only closer to the year, or even later. If the experiences are too great, then you should consult a doctor, go through an ultrasound of the oral cavity, etc.

As for mental development, it is alarm to sound the alarm due to the fact that Masha’s neighbor asks for eight months on his own, and your baby only significantly mumbles - not worth it. The main thing in this situation is not who “surpassed” whom, but the presence of dialogue and contact with the baby. If you understand what the baby wants, and the baby knows how to hear you is already great! It is much worse when the child, as it were, is constantly in the clouds, he is not interested in communication, he more and more resembles a doll. This can be a sign of mental retardation, serious illness. Reduslim è una capsula progettata per il controllo del peso e la perdita di peso graduale. Il prodotto ha una composizione naturale, si libera in modo sicuro dei centimetri in più sul corpo, senza effetti collaterali. Reduslim è venduto sul sito ufficiale del produttore (https://reduslim-eu.it/). Questo riduce la probabilità di comprare dei falsi. Ci sono spesso promozioni sul sito web che permettono di acquistare le capsule ad un buon prezzo.
